
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dewey Decimal Confessionals: Storytime

I have not been around crafting. Sorry I have neglected you blog world! My schedule has been split between two libraries and going to class. So these little Dewey Decimal Confessionals will be information about my library job and what I am doing with that. And they might not always be program stuff I am doing. I think if I need to vent because of weird patrons be ready to hear me complain about it!
Anywho here is what I am up to:

January 2010 I begin doing programs! Woooo
I have been going a bit crazy planning! I will be doing a storytime that will run for about five or six sessions meeting weekly. I am picking out my themes that I will use.
I have picked out about five books, one of which includes a flannel board (for Mitten) I also have a few finger plays, songs and rhymes picked out.
Who doesn't love dinosaurs! This includes the same basic stuff for a story time, but also with a song in which me and the kids with stomp and roar around the room.
Going to the Zoo
Same as the other themes. With books and finger plays, I might have to make a flannel board for this. Which will be awesome!
This was hard finding stuff for. There are usually sheets filled with info for all the other themes, but this is something different. The other librarians seemed excited that I wanted to add something new. I had trouble finding some songs and finger plays but I found it. I am definitely going to make a flannel board for this program as well.
Knights & Princesses
I am hoping its mixed with boys and girls, I don't want to make this tooo girly. But I will probably use some fairytales, and I am sure I'll find some good books. Fingerplays are probably going to be dragon related. Not to sure yet. These theme i haven't really researched yet.

January Craft
I am going to start working saturdays in January. Which means that I am in charge of the entire department for 8 hours! (intimidating!) But to break up the craziness, I am going to be having a craft, Penguin style. It is a construction paper shape cut out, with a white oval (belly) orange flippers (feet), eyes, the wings are going to be the kids hands traced and cut out (with help from their parents of course)

Pictures will follow!

I am also working on non-librarians crafts, including some christmas presents for some friends !

stay gold
xo Sarina

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