
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Doctor Who Giveaway - Winner!

I would like to thank everyone who participating in this giveaway! It has been the first of what I hope will be many fun things to come! I am already planning something really special for October, so If you like to read Neil Gaiman stay tuned! 

Now let's get down to business!

The 10th comment was from Ingrid! Congrats! E-mail me in order to claim your prize!

Thank you to everyone that entered! I'm glad to have met some cool new people! If you did not win and are super bummed, don't worry because all of these items will be available on my etsy shop soon!

I also want to know, what do you Whovian's think of the new season thus far?

I am loving it and I must say that, although I will always have a special place in my heart for David Tennent, Matt Smith is my Doctor! He's just so naturally goofy that I don't actually think thank he's acting, I love the quirk and whimsy he brings to the character. I will be very sad to transition into the 12th Doctor.

I hope you all enjoy tonight's episode! Let me know what you think!


  1. It's hard for me to really pin an opinion on this season thus far. I really enjoyed A Town Called Mercy and Power of Three but I know next week's The Angels Take Manhattan is going to destroy me!!

    1. I rather enjoyed the dinosaurs on a spaceship. I am excited for the angels take manhattan!
