
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's Halloween! (and hurricane aftermath)

Happy Halloween!

Its been quite an interesting last couple of days. The party was a roaring success and we have survived the hurricane. Like a lot of people I underestimated the impact of this storm. Every couple of years Long Island goes crazy with the threat of impending doom from a hurricane and it usually comes through with a whimper. In fact there was a big hurricane warning the weekend of my wedding! There ended up being beautiful weather. Last year durring Irene I felt the same way, even though we lost power for a few days. This time around I was a bit more freaked out, maybe its because this is my first storm as a homeowner! We were prepared and we found a super awesome emergency radio charger thing in the basement (thanks previous homeowners!). We also had plenty of electric tea lights that were part of our Halloween decorations. Tim also brought up pretty much every board game we have to keep us busy if the power went out. The library was also closed Monday and Tuesday. Tim's Mom lost power pretty early on so she came over and has been staying with us. So we weren't going anywhere. We just hunkered down and waited for Sandy to pass us.

That night was pretty freaky and all we did was jump from news station to news station and it was all about the hurricane. The lights kept flickering but the power never went out (we were so lucky!). It was also apparent that if we did loose power because we were all screwed because we were glued to our devices! The next morning we woke up to no power! So we sat around for a bit figuring out what we were going to do, then it came back on. We made breakfast and sat around saying how lucky we are that the power came back on, yeah we jinxed it because the power went off again, but hey we got to cook our breakfast first! We all wanted some coffee and we needed to get out because of cabin fever! So we took a walk then eventually drove around. It was a bit freaky seeing torn off signs and trees all over the place. However, the dinner looked like it was packed out. We drove around to see if we can buy a radio because that super awesome emergency radio did not hold a charge, FAIL!

We went back home and Tim said he was going to wait in the car to listen to the radio. I figured I could charge my phone in the car. I asked him to open the garage door and Tim looked at me and said "It's not going to work because we don't have power" so he was mockingly pressing the button. To our surprise the garage started to open up, the power was back on! I still can't believe how unbelievable lucky we are to still have power and survive this ordeal with no damage to the house. They only thing was a gutter piece. So many people lost so much and my thoughts are with them.

I am trying to look on the bright side of things, after all today is Halloween! Tim and I plan on putting the Halloween decorations back up and we are hoping to get some trick or treaters. The schools are closed again and I am sure (since our area wasn't hit that bad) that some parents and kids will want to get out of the house and have a bit of fun.

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