
Friday, October 19, 2012

Week in Review

This past week has been pretty average. We are still gearing up for our Halloween party. I spiffed up this display and I think it looks quite spook-tacular.

I have also been working on my costume. This year I am going as Link from Zelda. I made a tunic and the hat. Right now I am working on the shield and the sword. Thoughts?

In the middle of Halloween prep and my other crafty endeavors I am squeezing in some time to study for the civil service test. Its not the most exciting thing ever but I got me some responsibilities. I met up with the lovely ladies I graduated with, Peggy and Dierdre, for a review session. It was all pretty much stuff from our first semester. What is the difference between a Newberry and Caldecott? What does HTTP , URL, OPAC, OCLC stand for? Its enough to make your head spin. It wasn't all boring stuff, we got to catch up and it was really good seeing those ladies! Dierdre even came bearing gifts! We had exchanged gifts around graduation but D's gifts hadn't come in time! I gave the ladies these card catalog necklaces (go check them out!). D gave us some pretty nifty Vera Bradley totes. She knows my colors! I am also glad that it fits all of the crap I carry around with my on a daily basis.

This week was a productive week at the library. I held a Zombie Survival Training program for tweens.  I was hesitant because I didn't want to make it too scary and violent for those guys (saving that for the Teen version) however, some of them felt it was too tame. I asked them zombie trivia questions and we played a scenario survival game. To top off the program we made our own zombies.

The pink cotton balls are his brains!
For the Fall the town always features scarecrows, created by different organizations from the town. Last year we made a really sad Cat in the Hat. So we upped our game this year and made a wild thing. I was excited because it was even featured on the Port Jefferson Patch!

Lastly, I have revamped my sponsor situation! It's now an ad swap situation! If you are a blogger looking to make new friendships and connections then check out my ad swap page

That is all for now my friends!


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