
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post Christmas and Give-away

Hey guys! Christmas is over yet again. Every year I feel like I am really getting into it then BOOM - its over. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. It was quite nerdy for Tim and I. He got me this pretty awesome proclamation board from Think Geek. I also did his shopping on Think Geek and he got lots of  Hobbit themed stuff. It was a very nerdy Christmas for us.

With Christmas behind us I am also hopping to get back on track with sewing projects, blogging etc. etc. etc. While being caught up in the holiday craziness I didn't get to mention that my friend Michele is having a month of epic give-aways! She is having a different giveaway every day. So for December 24 is a giveaway for some stuff made my lil' ol' me! You can enter the raffle for a bowtie pin! You also get to choose between two colors, Red and TARDIS blue (because you guys know, bowties are cool) So go check out the giveaway at Short Girl, Long Island you still have a few days to enter!

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