
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday snapshots...again

Hello, it's Sunday again. This week has been chugging along and here is what I did...

We finally decorated outside. Here is our lovely porch! We are planning on hitting up some stores after Christmas to take advantage if discounted decorations.

This past week was my friends birthday. Tyler is one of my oldest friends. We were in the same kindergarten class and in high school we played together in a band, the Helicopters. He is a Batman fan so I made him this pillow.

His girlfriend Noelle also threw him a crazy pizza party. Our friend Peter broke out his iPad complete with d.j. App and it turned into a crazy dance party. It's what usually happens on a weekend with these people.

Also this past week I ordered some Christmas presents for a certain hobbit obsessed husband. Luckily I also had some serious geek points from think geek and got myself these doctor who post it's!

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