
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello 2013, nice to meet you!

Well guys, its  a new year which means new beginnings and all that jazz. I am usually that person that makes resolutions and then by the second week in January I say to myself 'resa-what?' and the dream of a fresh start is over. However this year I reorganized my craft room (for the billionth time) and I am hoping to stay on task this year! I don't have anything to distract me! 
Jennifer at Grits and Moxie had a post about the New Year. She summed up her goals in one word. I liked this idea so I starting thinking about my one word that would become my mantra for the year. So here is what I came up with: 

No more being lazy, no more procrastination, just shut up and DO! I guess the wise Yoda was in the back of my head, "There is do or do not. There is no try." 
You will be glad to hear that so far I have been DOING! I have been working on some new Tutorials! (sorry the page is temporarily disabled - work in progress) I am also hoping to inject more librarian stuff  this year. I spent the day organizing my task managers, what do you think?
I also going to be participating in IRON CRAFT 2013! This is something that Just Crafty Enough has done last year and it looked like a lot of fun. I was too intimated to try it last time but I think this is my year! Every Wednesday a challenge will be posted and participants have two weeks to complete the task until reveal day.

Now if you will excuse me I have some work to DO!


  1. Love it!

  2. I think we need to embark on this Iron Craft madness tonight!!
