
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Snapshots

This week has been sort of a slow one, here is what I have been up to!

I got some snazzy Star Trek Fabric from Joann's. I am looking forward to the kinds of wackiness I will make with this stuff. I already made an iPad case and I will also make some pot holders for my trekkie father in law. I also got Star Wars fabric but I didn't realize that it was fleece! I can make scarves with it I guess.

I started thinking up some design ideas for our stark dinning room. On a trip to Home Goods I was inspired by their graphic plates. So I started collecting a few which will eventually hang on the wall. I need to add some more to my collection first. We also got this giant peacock picture.

I had read really great reviews for Everyday by David Leviathan. So its been on my reading list. My interest was piqued when my friend Morgan said she read it in a day and cried. I have a few things I need to get off my reading lists first, then I am going to tackle this. Here is the gist of the story: A person goes through life everyday in another persons body then one day falls in love with a hosts girlfriend. It sounds like a romantic Quantum Leap and I look forward to reading it.

Wednesday my partner in craft, Michele, came over and we worked on some more Iron Craft stuff. However before we did that, we had to eat. So we got lunch which ended up being this epic pile of nachos at Moe's. They also had this amazing soda machine!

I began work on some new themes for my upcoming storytime. I found this site called, Storytime Caitie. She has really amazing ideas and book recommendations  Sometimes I get in a funk and I don't know what to do, this helps give me some inspiration. For next week I decided to go with a Fantasy/Fairy Tale theme. So I made some Knights for a flannel board. I think they came out pretty adorable.


  1. Hey there it's AmoAngelus from swap-bot

    I LOVE your journal! I love the set of pictures at the top of the page which prequel the actual blog, I think it's a great idea and really piqued my interest! I also really really really love that star trek fabric!

    1. Thanks for stoping by! I am thinking about making it a link party.
      And I am having some fun with the Star Trek fabric!

  2. I love the graphic plates you found from Home Goods! My favorite is the one with the word Fly on it.

    1. Thanks. Its turning into a fun project and I am still collecting plates!

  3. Hey! Cute blog! I am a teacher, so I'm totally following you for future book and craft ideas. Thanks for sharing your fantastic nerdiness!


    aburtch swap bot

    1. Glad to hear from a fellow educator! In the new year I have been trying to add more librarian-y stuff. Thanks for coming by!
