
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Snapshots

Hello there! I hope you all had a lovely week! Here are some highlights from mine!

I spent Super Bowl Sunday at my Brother & Sister in laws. While the dudes were watching the game I was reading with my little niece! 

Speaking of reading, I started and am enjoying a new book! Bomb recently won Youth Media Award honor. I also signed up for a children's librarian book discussion for this book. Its non fiction, which I am not particularly fond of, however I am really loving Bomb so far. 

I doing my first Mother Goose program soon. In preparation for it I made some dickey birds! (one named Soft, one named Loud. Can you guess who is who? 

We had some snow earlier this week (pre-blizzard)... also some trespassers! I noticed these tiny footprints all over our porch. We have a couple of stray cats in the neighborhood. They usually cut through the backyard. Gyspy is not amused. 

On another trip to Crazy Beans I tried a peanut butter latte. HOLY CRAP its amazing. I love this place more and more with each visit. Since I go there so frequently I am making it a point to try something different each time I go. I may have to repeat peanut butter latte though. 

Michele came over for another crafter-noon. We were working on another Iron Craft Challenge. This time the theme is Hearts and Stars. Since we are near valentines day I went with hearts. We got some plates from the dollar store and decorated them with sharpies. Here is how mine turned out. 

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