
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Adirondaks, Family, work things yadda yadda yadda

So just when it feels like it is almost over. Its been a whirlwind and here has what has been happening in my life.

Last year Tim decided to get a bunch of his old college buddies together for a reunion. So we rented a house in Lake Placid and hung out for a long weekend of fun, food and friends.
I've never actually been to the Adirondaks. I've driven past it on my way to Montreal but never really got to stop and admire the beauty. We climbed a mountain, did some lake swimming and went kayaking on Lake Placid.

I was a little worried going into this adventure, because I was going to be spending five days with people that I never met before. I'm always weird about meeting new people. To my surprise everyone was really nice and sweet, and they all laughed at my bad jokes! One of Tim's friends brought along his two-year-old and I don't what it is with young kids, but I think they always seem to know that I work with kids and they just gravitate towards me. So I had a shadow for a couple of days, her name was Priya and she was adorable.

On my way back I was in contact with my brother. He was also traveling along with my Dad and his dog, Rudy. The reason for the visit was my Dad's 60th birthday! He also was selling his house up here, so there was a bunch of stuff he had to take care of. Hence the three week visit. Yep, thats right you heard me, three weeks. It hasn't been that bad. They have been really good house guests! My house looks clean from power washing, that pesky back door is finally fixed and my Dad showed Tim how to tile so we have a nice new bathroom floor.

For his birthday celebration, we just cooked a whole bunch of food and kept it low key. Louisa and her daughter, Danielle came out. We had fun playing Clue, sharing stories and laughs. I'm so glad my Dad found someone with such a good heart.

On one of the days I had off and my Dad was running errands. Billy and I went to the Long Island Aquarium in Riverhead. I always love good quality bro/sis time. Billy is one of my best friends and we always have a good time. We saw some purdy animals and sea creatures. My favorite is always the sea lions (because they remind me of my dog, Gyppers).

In the midst of all the craziness my friend Megan asked for some help making some decorations for her brother's literary themed wedding. I got a bunch of wood and used a stain called 'provincial' I love the look of it. Megan designed the signs, then we made a bunch of stencils, then spray painted them. They came out great and look so professional.


At the beginning of the month I lost a dear friend, Google Reader. Since then I've been making my rounds through a bunch of RSS reader options. I haven't found one I really liked until I came across Bloglovin. The U.I. is nice and clean and I can easily organize everything into folders. So go check it out and Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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