
Monday, August 19, 2013

Life thus far....

Summer is starting to wind down. I'm kind of half sad and half excited. I'm ready for a new season and for things to be less hectic at work. I'm also excited because Tim and I decided that we are going to have another Halloween party this year. Whoo-hoo! In the mean time I have been entertaining my self with various projects and fun things... here is what I have been up to.

our rendezvous point

The Accomplice 
I had heard about this through some librarian friends and it sounded pretty neat. When I came across a groupon for it, I surprised Tim and we got tickets. After my ticket's were purchased I received a phone call from a mysterious person with a very thick New Yorker accent. I was instructed to meet at the South Street Seaport and there I would be contacted by someone. Sure enough the next day I went to the exact spot and a mysterious character approached us asking if we got a message. We were joined by another group of people and the mysterious character gave us an important set of instructions and we were off for a day of adventure.
The Accomplice is part theatre, interactive mystery and city adventure. We were given instructions and clues and together we had to figure it out. The real fun of it was trying to figure out who was in on it and who was just an innocent by stander. I'm not going to give too much away (because spoilers!) but the day involved buy a frog, walking through China town, and trying to locate nefarious characters. It was so much fun! Tim and I both want to do it again with some of our friends. If you every find yourself in NYC then check it out!

Library programs...
The past few weeks at work have been devoted to programing! I am working really hard on all of the Harry Potter stuff because the big program is almost a week away! I made this pretty awesome bulletin board display to promote it. I also featured some contests including a Book Design contest and Horcrux hunt. I'll be posting details about it soon!
I also did a program for the other British thing that I'm ridiculously obsessed with, Doctor Who. You can check out all the details about that adventure here.

My life hasn't been all solving mysteries in the city and work. I got in some r & r when I had a beach day with me and some lady friends. It was nice to just be lazy for an afternoon. I was so relaxed that I forgot to reapply sunscreen and now I'm nursing a pretty painful sunburn!

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