
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hello world. The past few days have started to feel like Fall. The a/c has been off, I’ve switched to wearing long pants and I’m looking forward to cooking with butternut squash! (its one of my fall favs) I have been working a lot and I have been keeping myself busy with other fun things.

In July made my Mother-in-law a custom bag. She loved it so much, she asked for another one. I went to work and decided this would be sort of a ‘guinea pig’ bag. I played with the dimensions a bit and changed the placement of the handles. I even successfully made a recessed zipper! I’d been having trying to perfect it for quite a while. I love how this bag came out! I made a pattern of this design and I’m going to start rolling some more out (because Christmas is right around the corner)

In other crafting news, I was switching around stuff in our kitchen. We got our mail organizer, cork board and now a magnet board (because our fridge is not magnetic!) However I took away our dry erase board because I wasn’t sure where to put it. After posting my Dry Erase wall calendar… I had a crazy idea: What if I cut out a shape and stuck it on the fridge? I used my trusty silhouette machine and cut out this fancy little number. So far so good.

I’ve been in a bit of a reading funk lately. I have my Game of Thrones audio book to keep me going while I’m in the Craft Dungeon, however I also need something to read read. I tried a few different books and stopped in the first chapter. Nothing was really capturing my attention. Then I came across this book called Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell. It sounded like an ok premiss. Two very different kids meet on the bus and their relationship slowly builds into something more. I didn’t expect to like this as much as I do! I’m all about my Sci-fi fantasy and shy away from realistic fiction. The narrative jumps between Eleanor and Park and you get to see how they fall in love from both perspectives. It also takes place in 1986 so its littered with references to the Smiths and even Doctor Who!

Speaking of romance, this past week marked 3 years married to this guy! I had to work the actual night of our anniversary, but he took me out for bbq lunch and he gave me flowers, he knows the quickest way to my heart. On Saturday we went out for a super nice dinner at the Riverhead Project. We normally don't do such swanky restaurants because I'm super cheapo. However, this is the only time I demand high end swank! This place was really nice and very modern. It is a converted bank and the vault is available to be rented out for private parities (that's pretty awesome). It didn't feel like a typical Long Island restaurant. We had fried olives, scallops and duck. My tastebuds were in heaven! Afterwards we walked over to the aquarium to say hi to our seal friends. They are seriously my dog but sea dwelling.

I'm gearing up for another craft night tomorrow. This time around we are making mason jar lanterns! It should be another fun time. If you are a local Long Islander, come on down! We start at 7:00!

Till next time.... 

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