Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's Halloween! (and hurricane aftermath)

Happy Halloween!

Its been quite an interesting last couple of days. The party was a roaring success and we have survived the hurricane. Like a lot of people I underestimated the impact of this storm. Every couple of years Long Island goes crazy with the threat of impending doom from a hurricane and it usually comes through with a whimper. In fact there was a big hurricane warning the weekend of my wedding! There ended up being beautiful weather. Last year durring Irene I felt the same way, even though we lost power for a few days. This time around I was a bit more freaked out, maybe its because this is my first storm as a homeowner! We were prepared and we found a super awesome emergency radio charger thing in the basement (thanks previous homeowners!). We also had plenty of electric tea lights that were part of our Halloween decorations. Tim also brought up pretty much every board game we have to keep us busy if the power went out. The library was also closed Monday and Tuesday. Tim's Mom lost power pretty early on so she came over and has been staying with us. So we weren't going anywhere. We just hunkered down and waited for Sandy to pass us.

That night was pretty freaky and all we did was jump from news station to news station and it was all about the hurricane. The lights kept flickering but the power never went out (we were so lucky!). It was also apparent that if we did loose power because we were all screwed because we were glued to our devices! The next morning we woke up to no power! So we sat around for a bit figuring out what we were going to do, then it came back on. We made breakfast and sat around saying how lucky we are that the power came back on, yeah we jinxed it because the power went off again, but hey we got to cook our breakfast first! We all wanted some coffee and we needed to get out because of cabin fever! So we took a walk then eventually drove around. It was a bit freaky seeing torn off signs and trees all over the place. However, the dinner looked like it was packed out. We drove around to see if we can buy a radio because that super awesome emergency radio did not hold a charge, FAIL!

We went back home and Tim said he was going to wait in the car to listen to the radio. I figured I could charge my phone in the car. I asked him to open the garage door and Tim looked at me and said "It's not going to work because we don't have power" so he was mockingly pressing the button. To our surprise the garage started to open up, the power was back on! I still can't believe how unbelievable lucky we are to still have power and survive this ordeal with no damage to the house. They only thing was a gutter piece. So many people lost so much and my thoughts are with them.

I am trying to look on the bright side of things, after all today is Halloween! Tim and I plan on putting the Halloween decorations back up and we are hoping to get some trick or treaters. The schools are closed again and I am sure (since our area wasn't hit that bad) that some parents and kids will want to get out of the house and have a bit of fun.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Party recap!

This weekend has been a crazy! Its one for the record books! Right now Tim and I are held up in the house as we are waiting out the storm. I had not one but TWO days off! I hope my library is ok! I have been putting the unexpected free time to good use and its given us time to clean up after our epic Halloween shindig! 

We were checking out the full moon! 

I know I have been going on and on about the party on here and it all led up to Saturday night. It was a lot of hard work and pretty stressful but we had a great time! Here are some pics of the festive decor! 

Tim and I worked pretty hard on the menu and it consisted of some spooky horror-derves from 'Spider Eggs' (meatballs) to mummy dogs (cocktail wieners). I also had some delicious drinks including ecto-cooler and butter beer. 

Another big part of the party were the costumes! It was a great year for costumes this year and I made side by side comparisons of some of the great costumes of the party! I went as Link from one of the all time best video games every, Zelda.  I made the costume myself! 

Tim went as Max Fischer. He saved latin, what did you ever do?

Here are some of the other great ones of the night, enjoy! 

And for no real reason (other than it is hilarious) is my friend Tyler rocking out in a Cher wig. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Social Sunday - Halloween

It's Sunday and another opportunity to get social! This week's topics are all about Halloween!

Sunday Social
1. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? 

When I was little I was a princess more than once. My grandma usually made me a pretty little dress. As I got a little older and more tom boy-ish I opted for a ninja turtle. 

2. Favorite costume as an adult? 

When the Star Trek reboot came out I was pretty much in love (which is hard for a life long star wars fan to admit) That year I decided to go as Spock (because he is so logical) I made my own costume and sported some vulcan ears to. 

3. Favorite Halloween Candy? 

Reese's peanut butter cups! You can't go wrong with a heavenly perfect mixture of peanut butter and chocolate! 

4. Favorite Halloween Memory?

This is from recent years and it was even the same year I dressed as Spock. Halloween was on a Saturday that year. I hung out with my group of ridiculous friends and we hit up Patchouge. I have mentioned before I am not a big fan of going to bars, but it was pretty fun on Halloween and we saw some great costumes. After going to a few different places we stopped by this one bar that was pretty cool. The DJ was spinning some really awesome tunes and a projection screen was showing creepy clips from horror movies. My friends and I were hypnotized by the movie clips! Then Justice came on (my dance jam at the time) and we danced like pagans. My wacky friends were dressed as: A mummy, keyboard cat, Max (where the wild things are), Little Red Riding Hood, a Ghost, a Flasher and Count Chocula. 

5. Whats your favorite scary movie?

I am not the biggest horror movie buff. However, my core group of friends and husband can't get enough. They dragged me along to see A Cabin in the Woods when it opened. I had no idea what it was about and really didn't care. I thought ok lets get this over with I'll get freaked out a big and go home and have nightmares. However as soon as the movie started I picked up and how ridiculous it was being, then I realized that it was intentional. This was confirmed when the movie took a ridiculous twist. I don't want to give it away but lets just say its not the movie you think it is. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Prepping for Test & a party

This is me trying to stay awake after a study session. The exam is Saturday, which just so happens to be the same day as my party. Its a tough thing to study for because I really don't know what is going to be on the test. I just keep looking over my librarian notes and hopefully the stuff that sticks will be covered! I guess it goes with Halloween because the whole testing experience can be quite a nightmare.

It hasn't been all boring study time. I am sure you guys may be a little wee bit sick of me talking about Halloween, but its a fun silly holiday I rather enjoy so get used to it for one more week. As I am decorating the house and gearing up for the party I keep humming this song in my head. Its from the Nightmare Before Christmas which has got to be in my top 5 all time favorite films. Go feast your eyes and ears and enjoy this Halloween diddy.

Aside from Halloween decorating  Tim and I finally finished our coffee table. Tim did most of the work and the whole project was about under $100. This was possible thanks to Pinterest! It lead to me the blog DIY Vintage Chic. This chick is pretty hard core and she even made her own stain. (We just bought stainer) Here is the post so check it out! 

Now back to Halloween, Tim and I watched Rosemary's Baby. Its about a woman and literally one hell of a pregnancy. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it but it certainly scared the ba-geezes out of me on many different levels. Let's just say its influenced me to post pone the start of our family by a few years. In the spirit of the  Halloween season I want to know what your favorite scary movie is?


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Halloween Potion Labels - Tutorials

So I have been doing some more bits of Halloween decor and this is one that I absolutely love and I am excited to share it with you! I remember seeing Halloween bottles at stores with all of the other Halloween stuff and I wanted them! Then I saw how much they cost... I rethought that and figured that I could make them. I used some inspiration from Harry Potter and most of the potions are from the magical world, with the exception of Frog's breath, that is from the Nightmare Before Christmas.

Here is how you can make your own spooky potion bottles!

Materials & Tools
  • Empty wine/beer glass bottles 
  • Bucket filled with water & dish soap
  • Sandpaper
  • Color printer 
  • Mod podge 
  • foam brush
  • Glow and the dark paint (optional) 

  • Break out those bottles you saved with have those pesky labels on them! Luckily they are easy to remove. Let the bottles soak in the bucket filled with water and a bit of dish soap. 

  • After it has soaked for about 8 hours, you can remove labels. It might be a little hard so use the sandpaper to scrape the labels off. Let the bottles dry a bit. 
  • Go to your computer and go to the website If you are unfamiliar the site, it is one of the best and simple to use photo editors. Start with an image then ad a white overlay, combine layers and now you have a blank slate to make your labels! The best part...its free! So play around with it and you the special Halloween themes to make some great labels! 
  • If you don't enough time to make your own labels feel free to use mine! 

  • After all of your labels are printed out cut them out and decide which labels are going to be put on which bottles
  • When you are ready to attach the labels break out that mod podge! Slap on a few coats then let it dry

Sit back and enjoy your spooky potion bottles! If you want to add a bit to it use the glow and the dark paint on paint over the labels, it goes on clear and will glow under a black light. 

- Sarina

Monday, October 22, 2012

Star Wars in Manuscript (Meme for Monday)

Hello world and sorry that its Monday again. Here is your weekly dose of silly to help you prevent coming down with a case of the Mondays.

This weeks meme for Monday is some amazing art work by an amazing Thai illustrator, Chawakarn Khongprasert. It is a recreation of the greatest moments from Star Wars but done in the style of religious classical art. They are quite enjoyable and go check them out at XearsIII on Deviant Art

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Social Sunday

Its that time of the week again, Ashley's Carnival Ride and A Complete Waste of Make Up host the weekly link up, go check it out! 
Sunday Social

1. What do you value most in life? 
My relationship with my husband. I had no idea what unconditional love was until we were together. No matter what ridiculous things I do he loves me.

2. What do you think is the greatest invention in your lifetime and why?

The MacBook. I seriously can not go a day without it! I often thought, what would I do if it broke or got stolen? And, because I am a freak, I almost tear up a bit at the thought of it. I not just use it like a mad woman, but I also have a lot of memories on here! I know I should back it up like any responsible person would but I'll get around to it some day.
3. What do you think is the secret to a good life?
To enjoy it. When Tim and I went to France I just took it all in and tried to remember every single detail as much as possible and savor it! Also at our wedding I refused to look at a clock. I did and I had the best day of my life. 
4. What would you most like to be remembered for when you’re gone?
I would like to be remembered as a ridiculously silly person who did her best to leave her mark on the world via hand made awesomeness! Like this coffee table we just finished

5. What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

In my immediate family (aside from Tim) I am the only one with a Master's Degree. I also would like Queens college to actually send me the thing! I also am pretty surprised and proud that I am a homeowner at age 26, not many people can say that... at least not on Long Island. 
6. If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you? 

This is a tough one but I guess I am going to have to say Kate Miccuci from Garfunkel and Oates. She seems silly enough to step into my shoes

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Electric Grab Bag Giveaway

Sabz from the Electric Grab Bag is celebrating the success of her blog by holding her first giveaway! One of the items featured is a bow-tie pin from your very own, Nerd Craft Librarian. There are other great prizes from The Rouge Baby, Ponder Wonders and Grits and Moxie.

Head on over to the Electric Grab Bag and check it out!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, October 19, 2012

Week in Review

This past week has been pretty average. We are still gearing up for our Halloween party. I spiffed up this display and I think it looks quite spook-tacular.

I have also been working on my costume. This year I am going as Link from Zelda. I made a tunic and the hat. Right now I am working on the shield and the sword. Thoughts?

In the middle of Halloween prep and my other crafty endeavors I am squeezing in some time to study for the civil service test. Its not the most exciting thing ever but I got me some responsibilities. I met up with the lovely ladies I graduated with, Peggy and Dierdre, for a review session. It was all pretty much stuff from our first semester. What is the difference between a Newberry and Caldecott? What does HTTP , URL, OPAC, OCLC stand for? Its enough to make your head spin. It wasn't all boring stuff, we got to catch up and it was really good seeing those ladies! Dierdre even came bearing gifts! We had exchanged gifts around graduation but D's gifts hadn't come in time! I gave the ladies these card catalog necklaces (go check them out!). D gave us some pretty nifty Vera Bradley totes. She knows my colors! I am also glad that it fits all of the crap I carry around with my on a daily basis.

This week was a productive week at the library. I held a Zombie Survival Training program for tweens.  I was hesitant because I didn't want to make it too scary and violent for those guys (saving that for the Teen version) however, some of them felt it was too tame. I asked them zombie trivia questions and we played a scenario survival game. To top off the program we made our own zombies.

The pink cotton balls are his brains!
For the Fall the town always features scarecrows, created by different organizations from the town. Last year we made a really sad Cat in the Hat. So we upped our game this year and made a wild thing. I was excited because it was even featured on the Port Jefferson Patch!

Lastly, I have revamped my sponsor situation! It's now an ad swap situation! If you are a blogger looking to make new friendships and connections then check out my ad swap page

That is all for now my friends!


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