
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Spring, sprang, sprung!

So I have been enjoying the first days of Spring! One the first day I kept singing this song from Willy Wonka as I went for a wonderful walk around the block. Gyspy was very excited to go exploring in the  Spring time air.  Then we had snow for the next few days which was certainly NOT COOL! 

Aside from nice weather time, a few different things have been going on. I have been working on updating our living room pillows. The pillows were kind of blank so I decided to spiffy them up a bit. I used the freezer paper stencil technique and made some arrows and chevron patterns. What do you think? 

After making some pillows, I started working on a new bag. I used some techniques learned from Craftsy and came up with this fancy bag. I like how it came out, however I have to make the from pockets taller. It also features an interior pocket and a TARDIS. This is part of a new line I am working. Its for the fashionable professional geek. Fun fact, I used one of Tim's dress shirts to making the lining. 

I learned this past week that I was featured on the Crafts for Kids blog, woo hoo ! Thanks to them for featuring my Sharpie Mug tutorial.  Speaking of being featured, I was also excited to see that one of my bowties made it on a treasury list called Primarily Yours. My crafts are getting around! 

I also did something kind of crazy, I signed up for a 5k.....thats a muddy obstacle course.... and I'll be trying to escape zombie hoards. Yeah you heard that right, ZOMBIES! Its Matt's birthday and this is how we are celebrating. Our team is called Z.E.U.S. (Zombie eradicating utility squad) and hopefully we can escape the grips of walkers! Yeah I don't know what I was thinking but its too late now but hopefully this forces me into some healthier habbits. 


  1. youre making changes and trying something new too, good for you , its nice to branch out ever now and then to see what you are capable of doing :) Also became a new follower of yours :)

    1. Thanks for following! Its hard for me to try new stuff but I am trying to push myself more and more so we'll see how capable I am after this run lol.
