
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Last Friday was a wonderful 'Treat yo' self' day. This past week has been utterly insane! Gypsy got sick and I had to take her to the vet, some one hit my car and left a note, I worked pretty much every night of the week and then Wednesday night my phone broke. So yeah I was on the verge of breaking down into tears just about every minute of last week. I was lucky enough to have Friday off and I gave me self some serious T.L.C.

I went to Ikea and had fun walking around this furniture wonderland! I finally got a dresser that was supposed to be my Christmas present. Also F.Y.I. always go to Ikea durring a weekday.. take off work,  make a trip out of it. It is so worth it! Further along on treat yo self day I took care of my paws and claws and got a relaxing mani/pedi. Then a group of friends met up in Riverhead for dinner. The food was ok but we waited a really long time which was stinky. Afterwards we walked past the Aquarium and looked at some sea lions that are out front. OMG they were so adorable and we stayed there watching them for about twenty minutes. They look like little sea dogs and kept calling them sea-gyppers'. Laura was especially amused and she just kept making the silliest cutest baby talk to to the sea lions. Afterwards we went back to the house and made some s'mores around the fire and admired the summer solstice moon! All the while Joe passed out in our guest room. 

The next day was a big epic party in Bating Hollow. Our friend Noah inherited this property that was like a wilderness wonderland. To get there we had to turn down a dirt road and pass a polo match (we were in swanky company). The house was on a cliff and overlooked a beach and the property was also a humming bird sanctuary. It was crazy beautiful and I had fun hanging out with everyone. My friend Noelle made these amazing cupcakes (I regret not taking a picture of), there was an adorable pooch, and we sat around watching the sun set. It was amazingly beauteous and just as much fun as treat yo self day. I'm so glad to have had such a nice end to one of the craziest weeks I have ever encountered. 


I was also lucky to get in some crafty time! My work bestie Margaret has two really cool nerdy daughters that graduated this year. Since they are always really sweet to me and I love their mother dearly I made them little zipper pouches. Since they are both artists I figured they can use them as pencil cases. Also you should check out Kaitie Taylor's tumblr (this is one of said daughters)

This project is also helping me get back into the swing of sewing things! I haven't been at the machine as much as I used to for a few different reasons. I've been really preoccupied with my silhouette machine, seriously its so BOSS! I've been making some pretty amazing wall art which I will share with you soon! Also Tim and I made a desk top for my craft room. Half is done and its where I get all my computer work done. However the second half (for sewing stuff) is not up yet. 

I thought making these little pouches might motivate me back into a sewing frenzy. I've been getting more Etsy shop traffic and its also the theme of this week's Iron Craft challenge.

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