
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

So September...

I have had another jam packed week. Here is what has been going on.... 

Banned Book Week prep 
Today is the first day of Banned book week! Its a week of celebrating everyones right to read and stop censorship. This is a big passionate issue in the library world. So we celebrate it every year and spread awareness. Another teen librarian, Colleen and I had a similar idea of a display for the week. We both came across this idea on pinterest. She handled the police line up backdrop. I used the chalk board technique to make the sign kids will hold up. I also made some fancy letters using a banned book! We hung it in the window and here is how it came out. (Fun Fact: the book pages I used are from an actual banned book, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) 

Since reading Eleanor and Park a few weeks ago, my new favorite author is Rainbow Rowell. I've been trying to get a hold of everything she has written! I went through Attachments pretty quickly. I was a little hesitant because its technically an adult book. I usually don't read many adult books, however this is a book about people my age. It struck a chord because the characters were so relatable. I know people like them! Hell, the main character plays D & D! 
It's about Lincoln, a guy who takes a computer safety job thinking he will be building epic firewalls and security systems at a local newspaper. He is disappointed to find out that his job is actually reading employee e-mails and tattling on people not doing work. Lincoln hates his boring job until he comes across the correspondence between Jennifer and Beth. He is taken with their humor and looks forward to reading their e-mails. He slowly realizes he is falling in love with Beth. The snarky, witty movie critic that Lincoln has never even seen or met! 
Previously I tried reading She Hulk Diaries. I stopped half way through. It was so dumb and not real. It was like if Carrie Bradshaw was exposed to Gamma radiation. Reading this was a breathe of fresh air. 

Maker Faire 
I was pumped to attend Maker Faire 2013! My friend Megan joined me and we saw some pretty neat stuff. There were the Maker Faire regulars like the Life-Sized mousetrap and Eepy Bird and their mentos and diet coke extravaganza. We saw a lot of other cool science-y things from 3-D printers to giant butterfly bicycles. I was excited to see the craftacular! I met some other craters and makers. Megan and I made some soap. Mine is lavender and I think Tim is having some sort of allergic reaction to it. It was lots of fun, however I felt they have cut out a lot of craft stuff. I didn't see instructables or Etsy there at all so I am a little bummed about that. All in all I had a good time. 

I got this really neato Game of Thrones t-shirt!

Baby Shower 
My friend Marlene is expecting her first child! I'm really excited for her and this past weekend was her baby shower. I put together a nice little basket of fun baby things. It was a little tough, she wants the sex to be a surprise, so it's really tough shopping for gender neutral baby things. What's up with that society? Despite that little snafu, I made her a card and it came out really cute.... 

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