Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Magical Wedding....

This past week I have been recovering from a grand ol party that was Caitie & Matt's wedding! It was a pretty wonderful day full of laughs, tears, dancing, food and awesomeness. I thought I would share with you some of the really cool features of the wedding.

We walked down the asile to the Harry Potter theme. This wedding had a sci-fi/fantasy theme but it was dominantly Potter-fied. An unbreakable vow was a part of their ceremony!

Here is her Hogwarts trunk card box. It was stained, then white washed. I added the Hogwarts crest then I added their initials on the sides. It came out quite beautifully !

A few weeks ago while helping Caitie finish up some stuff she brought over her ring box and she wasn't sure what to do. She thought about a simple stain or something to make it pretty, I suggested making it a TARDIS. Since her nephew, the ring bearer, is a big Doctor Who fan, he was excited to dress up like the Doctor while walking down the asile.

It was a beautiful day and I was not only glad to have been there but I was really honored to be a part of it as a bridesmaid. I got to walk down the asile with one of my oldest buddies, Tyler. All the groomsmen looked quite dapper. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We Call them Miracles....

Inspirational quotes can be lame unless they are coming from Doctor Who. Since I've been going through a lot of stuff emotionally I've been looking up pins on of my favorite geeky things (because that always cheers me up) and I kept coming across this quote from Doctor Who. When the Doctor monologues and you just know his big quotes are about some epic adventure they are in the middle of, but out of context, this quotes can be applied to everyday life. I had some canvases around so I decided to paint it with my favorite quote.

The canvas I used measures 12" X 24". For the base coat I did an ombre technique fading from light blue to black. I forgot to wipe off the canvas and there were little specks of stuff still on there. I was annoyed at first, then I realized the specks made it look like stars in a galaxy. I then use my silhouette machine to format the text. After sticking the letters on there I went over it with a coat of mod podge (that helps paint from seeping through) then painted the letters.

Its a little off and slanted, however I still love it and I hope you do to.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Bee & Puppy Cat - Best thing Ever

Since recently getting a Chromecast, I've been watching A LOT of youtube. So I've been in search of new internet content to keep me entertained!

I came across Cartoon Hangover. Its a channel started by independent animation studio, Frederator Studios. The channel has shows like Bravest Warriors created by Pendelton Ward (of Adventure Time fame) I came across what is perhaps the best show on there, Bee & Puppy Cat.

Bee is a jobless girl down on her luck when she finds a strange animal, she's not sure if its a dog or a cat, so it is dubbed, Puppy Cat! Of course he is not a normal animal and they have some pretty crazy adventures. So far this is only one episode, however thanks to a successful kick starter project they have funding for nine more episodes!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Entryway Makeover

Since we had some time on our hands and some Home Depot giftcards we got around to doing a house project!

We have a little entry way cove area that was pretty boring. There is a closet there, however we never use it! A few times when I have hung guests jackets, they have been forgotten. The closet is good for storage, but when it comes to hanging up coats we needed something easier.

It was fairy easy, paint a board of wood and attach some hooks. To spiff it up a bit, Tim asked if I could do some sort of distressed technique to the wood board and I white washed it. We had it finished right before our Super Bowl party and it was a good test, because we were able to fit a lot of coats on that thing!

Before we built the coat rack, we had to give this area a splash of color. Since it was a small area we were able to paint it pretty quickly. It took more time to tape up around the moldings!

The space above the coat rack needed something. I had a left over canvas and thought an image of Long Island was appropriate. Its a bit off center and there is a blank space because Tim is going to make a little something. Eventually.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snowed in

The past few weeks there has been a constant threat of impending doom by snow! I love having a snow day as much as the next person, however I have just had some unexpected time off so I've been looking forward to the return of my normal routine. The polar vortex and snow hasn't let that happen. So I've tried to put the time to good use and I've kept myself busy. Here is what I have been up to. 

My new favorite author is Rainbow Rowell. I awhile back I took out her latest novel, Fangirl. I was in the middle of reading it when some other books were made a higher priority. With those books done, I was able to finish up Fangirl. It's about, Cather and her first year at college. She struggles with her identity as she is becoming a grown up, but does that mean she has to give up her love of the magical Simon Snow novels? It was quite enjoyable and relatable! 

Tim wanted to host a Super Bowl party. I'm not really crazy about Football, but hey it was an excuse to hang out with my friends and eat a bunch of food. Tim came across this Football bingo and it was entertainment for us non-football fans. 

The game itself was terribly boring. However there were some entertaining commercials. I enjoyed the 80s nostalgia of the Radio Shack commercial. 

Also accomplished was a walk about the neighborhood. The previous snow storms have been accompanied with freezing cold temperatures! The February 3rd snow storm was a little warmer. Since we were going a bit stir crazy we decided to take a walk. Caitie doesn't live to far away so we set her apartment as our destination. While walking around I realized that even though snow is a real pain in the butt, it is so beautiful! It was also a good workout! 

Once we finally got to Caitie's we hung around and watched some Netflix. Kim made us delicious hot toddy's and we ended up watching Robot and Frank. It was a good movie about a retired cat burglar gets a robot helper. His love interest is a librarian and there was a storyline about how Frank is her only library patron and how they are going to modernize the library. At one point someone asked for the librarian and there was mention that it was an unrecognizable term.. I took issue with that. 

Of course aside from movie watching and binge reading, I've been hard at work in the craft room. I've made a few new zipper pouches and have even added some key chain wristlets to the shop! 

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