
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Snapshots - Link Party!

Hello there friends! Its another Sunday! 

We stopped by Tim's brother's house and spent some time with our niece  Lexie. She's at a really fun age and all she wants to do is play. She was having tons of fun with Uncle Tim. 

Our supply of fizzing whiz-bees has been depleted. To avoid going through withdrawal I tried making some of my own! Look for the recipe coming soon.

It was another week of Iron Craft! On reveal day I showed off my fabulous bucket bag made out of scrap fabric. You can read more details about it here. I also met up with Michele and we started working on the next Iron Craft challenge, Peeps! We made some peep sushi. It looks better than it tastes. 

When Michele came over, she came bearing gifts! She brought us some Starbucks K-cups of Casa Cielo. Its pretty amazing and its certainly my new jam. 

I left my nails pretty bare for the last week and didn't plan on doing anything with them. Then my work bestie, Margaret told me about one of my little friends asking about me. There is a little girl that comes to one of my library programs all of the time. I always compliment her on her pretty nails and she does the same to me. When I wasn't there one day she came in and asked Margaret "Where's the lady with the pretty nails!" So I had to paint them for my little friend. 

In a few weeks there is going to be a big Suess-a-bration at my library. One of the activities is going to be 'One Fish, Two Fish, Ring Toss' Here is how it came out! 

This week I am inviting any other bloggers that would like to participate join the link up. Its open to everyone I just ask that you follow these simple rules: 
  • Post a link to your blog
  • The post must contain at least three pictures with descriptions
  • Check out some of the other participants and comment
  • Follow your host, mwah, is not required but very much appreciated

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