Sunday, January 26, 2014

Decorative Plates

I've gotten really sick of stark bare walls and I've been trying a few different things to really liven up our dinning room. I found this mirror for 20$ at Marshall's (score!). It was a little cracked and boring white. So I gave it a goat of gray to really spiff it up. I hung it opposite some windows. That is a design trick that is supposed to make the room feel bigger. I have our Parisian street art pictures hanging on another wall, along with a little flying birdie my friend Margaret got me. However that still left some blank spots in the room. What to do?

Originally I had planned to start collecting graphic plates and hanging them on the wall. That hit a snag when I did not like anything I was finding, either in the design or price. So I decided to put my own DIY spin on it and made some plates of my own! I abandoned my plan of an entire wall of plates and decided to hang them on each end of the windows. It makes it look balanced and we now have plenty of visual interest in this room!

Materials & Tools

  • White glass plate 
  • Spray paint (two contrasting colors) 
  • Contact paper 
  • Exacto Knife 
  • Plate hanger 


  • I recommend purchasing plates from the Dollar Tree because they come in different shapes and sizes and they are only a dollar so if you make a mistake its not a big deal. 
  • Plan out a design, make it simple and not too intricate. Trace and cut out the design on contact paper (or if you have a silhouette machine just use that) 
  • In a well ventilated area, spray paint a base coat. (this should be the color you want your actual design to be) Allow design to dry. I recommend letting it sit over night.
  • Peel out your design and stick it on the plate
  • Spray a top coat of a contrasting coloring and allow to dry. (don't wait too long because you run the risk of peeling off the paint from your design) 
  • Allow the paint to dry for at least a day before you hang it up. (otherwise your house is going to smell like paint fumes) 

Linking up with: 

The past week of my life....

Hi Friends! Here is what I've been up to the past week....

The game is on! Finally new Sherlock! My friend Megan came over and we ate cookies and watched!!! For the past two years I've been dying to know how Sherlock survived and figure out what was the deal with John Watson's mustache?

Although we didn't get an exact answer to all of our questions, the episode was great and Sherlock is back to its proper glory! I really loved the different scenario of his death were played out. My personal favorite was the fiction version in which Sherlock and Moriarity make out.

I'll be helping out with a Sherlock night at West Hampton library. We are going to be making Sherlock t-shirts! I've got a silhoutte of Sherlock and John, Mycroft, Moriarty and a Sherlock profile.

I'm starting something new, another librarian and I are starting a book club. It is part of an effort to reach Millenials. So its library sponsored but we are holding it at (my favorite place) Crazy Beans. I haven't read Divergent before this, but the other librarian, Erin, suggested it because of the movie tie-in. People always want to read the book before the movie!

As far as Dystopian novels go, Divergent is pretty standard. Young heroine is a total bad ass and finds herself and of course has to save the day. Beatrice is a young girl in a futuristic Chicago in which society is split up into factions. When she comes of age and decides to trade in her boring Abegnition for the super cool Dauntless.

I'm working on my second Iron Craft Challenge of the year. This time around the challenge is called Get it Together. This challenge is all about making something for crafty organization. I've been using a few tin cans to store pens and other tools. They were really ugly looking for I decide to spiff it up with some scrap booking paper. Here is how it comes out.

I finally got around to doing another Q & A with my friend Ingrid. If you didn't catch it, go check it out!

Universal announced Diagon Alley stuff! They announced it a few years back, but they released some more information about and like attraction details. I am particularly excited for Weasley Wizarding Weezes!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Q & A - Hey Its Ingrid

Its time for another installment of Q&As!!! Ingrid is a sassy teacher with a passion for pop-culture. Her blog, Hey Its Ingrid is all about her life and she also makes some super rad pillows on her Etsy shop. Let's learn more about Ingrid! 

1. Where on the internet can we find you? 

Twitter: @heyitsingrid
Instagram: heyitsingrid
Pinterest: heyitsingrid

2. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Well, my name is Ingrid (if you couldn't tell from my usernames LOL) and I'm 25. I was born and raised on Long Island though I plan to eventually spread my wings and leave in the future. I'm a teacher but I'm currently subbing until I find a classroom of my own. I live off coffee and I love the internet. You can usually find me snuggled up in my dinosaur onesie binge watching a new series on Netflix. I think I'm a tv addict, but it's totally fine. I do venture outdoors every once in a while. I recently got back into horseback riding so that's exciting! I guess you can classify me as a nerd. I love to read, play video games, and go to the movies. Podcasts are something I've been into lately. My favorite is the Nerdist. 

3. Tell us about your blog & Etsy shop. What inspired you to start? What are your goals for these projects? 

My blog.. oh my poor blog. I have to admit I've gone through stages with it. I've been blogging before I even knew it was blogging. When I was 13 I started a livejournal and a blurty which I love to go back and read and just laugh at myself. My current blog recently received a makeover and I hope to start back up hardcore. It had so many great entries and the one day last year I snapped and deleted them all. *face palm* But really it's just a blog that I like to talk about anything and everything that's going on in my life. I guess you could call it a lifestyle blog. I really need to get better about posting though. Oops. :)

My etsy shop was a total accident. I already had the shop because two years ago I made and sold feather accessories. Once that stopped.. it just kinda sat there. One day I really wanted a certain throw pillow for my room but the ones I found online were way too much money. I said "Pfffft, I can make one myself!" So, that's what I did. I posted a picture on instagram and people really liked it. So I made a few more which were characters from favorite shows and movies and more and more people liked them. So I threw them up on the shop and sales just started happening. I have a ton of ideas for more pillows so keep an eye out. I also do custom orders. :)

4. What are some of your favorite pop-culture obsessions? How have they inspired your Etsy creations?  

My number one favorite is Doctor Who. Anyone know who knows me knows that it is all I every want to talk about. I actually designed some new pillows that are many of the monsters from Doctor Who so keep an eye out for those! Don't Blink. ;) I hope to be able to go to the Doctor Who experience in Cardiff. It's on my to do list. :D
Oh, and Sherlock! Mannnnnn, I don't know enough people that watch Sherlock. I am constantly trying to convince people to watch that series. It's brilliant and just so well written. The cast is fantastic too. I definitely fangirl over that show. Now that I think about it, I should really make a Sherlock pillow.

5. What are some of your favorite blogs ? What do you like about them? And why should we read it? 

Like I mentioned before, I do love the Nerdist. I love that he started off with a podcast and has gone on to do so many great things. He has a website, youtube channel, blog, podcast, hosts tv shows, and now has a tv show of his own. Chris Hardwick has created an empire from one simple thing and I admire that about him.

I also recently stumbled across I love this site! You answer a few questions about things you love and they match you up with a fellow nerdy pen pal. Each month has a theme and you get a new pen pal each month. I signed up for February so I'm really excited to meet new people from around the world.

6. Any fellow Etsy shops that you are loving right now? 

I recently made some purchases from Geek Ink Designs. I've always wanted a tattoo but I am constantly changing my mind as to what I want. This shop sells awesome temporary tattoos and they're all nerdy! They have some fantastic doctor who ones. (I ordered the tardis)


Thanks for talking to us Ingrid! Now go check out her blog and her fantastic pillows! If you would like to get featured on Q & As please email me for details.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Recovery laziness accomplishments & Sprinkles!

The past few days I've been doing a lot of resting and being lazy. Despite sitting around I've managed to get some things done!

Last week when I got the bad news I had to keep my mind busy. Caitie suggested a trip to Michael's arts and crafts where I proceeded to do some retail therapy. I treated myself to something extra nice, a glass etching kit. Not just any etching kit.... its Martha Stewart! We spend the rest of the night etching glass vases. I made this one with a fox on it. (its hard to see, but I assure you its there!)

After my procedure last week, Caitie and Kim stopped by with a little care package. It consisted of lots of candy! Kim wrote in the card "9 out of 10 Doctors agree, reese's peanut butter cups can cure all known ailments" its a fact I've learned to be quite true. They also gave me some nail polish in a nice TARDIS blue. I haven't painted my nails in so long so I felt good to pamper myself a little bit. I used a new technique to give the nails a matte look.

I finally finished my first book of 2014! I just read the Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson. It takes place in my dream vacation location, London. The story follows a New Orleans born, Rory in her first year at a London prep school which was located right in the heart of the infamous Jack the Ripper murders. When a copy cat Ripper starts to strike, the city is thrown into a panic and Rory comes face to face with the Ripper himself! It was sort of a slow going at first, but there is a turning point (won't spoil it) and its pretty unexpected and it pulled me in from there.

Tara (aka the Geeky Hostess) announced a pretty neato Kick Starter project: Geeky Sprinkles! Unless you are a confectionary artist, it is hard to make nerd specific baked goods. Tara's geeky sprinkles will make it a lot easier. Go check it out and if you are inclined open up your wallet! I myself donated because I want some police box sprinkles!

 On Saturday, after going a bit stir crazy, we went to the movies. I've been anxious to see the new Cohen Brother's movie, Inside Llewyn Davis. However I was let down. The character, Llewyn Davis was such a huge jerk! Towards the end he gets beat up and I thought to myself "good." So I was a little bummed that the movie wasn't that great. The movie did have one redeeming quality, the music!

By Sunday I was back in the craft room! I did some cleaning and rearranging in the room because its gotten a little crazy. I recently got some new hardware for new projects. I got some keychain hooks and used scrap fabric to make a snazzy key chain.

Its been an emotional week, but I'm ready to move on and get back to normal.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Always will be the optimist.....

So if the past few weeks taught me anything, its that life is crazy, random and at times, ridiculous. I've stayed away from the blog because I've been going through some pretty personal stuff. At the beginning of the year I said that my mantra was Change. Its still January and my life has changed a few times already. 

I'm not going into details, but it did involve a trip to the hospital. I had to have a minor surgery. This was a pretty nerve racking experience for me because I've never been to the hospital or had to have anesthesia. The thought of that always freaked me out, you get put to sleep, doctors do thing do your body and you wake up sore. Doesn't sound so great. However I did ok. I've been a little achey but Timothy has been my hero. The experience has brought us closer, and although I was already in love with him, I have a new appreciation for him. In fact I have a new found appreciation for everyone in my life. So many friends, family and co-workers have been so supportive and have given us so much love. It is all a bit overwhelming and I have been so moved. Someone sent me a card that read, "the heart is the strongest muscle" and that muscle has definitely gotten stronger from this experience. 

Despite this devastating upset in my life, I'm staying positive. My dreams are still attainable and like the Doctor says, I will keep dreaming my improbable dreams. 

Thank you to all of the amazing people in my life who have been so supportive (and have kept us fed) through this experience. I love you all! 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Leather Bag Straps

It's another year of Iron Craft challenges. I had fun participating last year and am glad to do it again. Iron craft is a series of challenges organized by Just Crafty Enough. Every two weeks a new challenge is announced. Each challenge has a theme and it is up to the crafter to interpret the challenge to make their project. Crafters have about two weeks to complete the project until reveal day. Finished projects are revealed on the group's Flickr page where you can see everyone else's.

This is Iron Craft's third year. As a celebration of its third anniversary the craft is all about the traditional gift of leather. A while back for my birthday, I gifted myself a snazzy leather crafting kit. I have been caught up with stuff that I haven't been able to actually use it! So finally an excuse to use it! 

After making bags for a while, one of the most annoying things to make has been straps. They are usually not durable and feel flimsy when made out of fabric. So I thought of giving some leather straps a try.

Last week most of the country was in the midst of a wintery blizzard storm. My own little corner of the world was no exception. I had an unexpected two days off and snowed in. It was the perfect opportunity to craft! This bag is the result.

I've combined a lot of my favorite techniques and the end result came out quite nice. I added a front pocket and a magnetic snap. There is also a recessed zipper and interior pocket. I went through some of my previous stencil designs and I came across a platform 9 3/4 sign, so I thought I would use it for the bag.  The bag was topped off with leather handles.

I was intimidated! I read stuff on leather and I wasn't sure if I had the right needle or if I needed a walking foot and I wasn't sure how I was going to do this with out pins. Luckily it went well. Here is what I did to make them.

Materials & Tools

  • Faux Leather
  • Leather Took Kit 
  • Sewing machine and notions 
  • clothes pins 
  • Scissors 


  • Wal-Mart is always a toss up when it comes to a selection of fabric. Luckily they had a lightweight faux leather. I liked it because it was easy to work with and manipulate. So keep that in mind when selecting material. I purchased a 1/4 of a yard
  • Measure out and cut your pieces. I ended up measuring 3 inches by 24 inches and cut out two pieces.
  • Take one of the strap pieces and fold it in half, then fold each piece in again to the half fold. 
  • As I was folded I clipped them with clothes pins. (Because pins would ruin the leather, the clothes pins do a good job holding them in place) 

  • Then I sewed each edge of the strap
  • Since the edges were raw I folded them over and top stitched over them
  • After both straps were done, I then attached the straps to the bag

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 a year of Change

Wow, that went by fast... good-bye 2013. Last year, like every year, brought about so much promise and felt fresh. I was just getting comfy when - BAM! new year!

Last year I proclaimed that 2013 would be the year of DO! I'm proud to say I have lived up to and have done a lot. Here are some of my proudest moments from 2013

Last year when I discovered a cute little coffee shop around the corner from my house, I asked the owner, Callie if she’d consider having a Craft Night there. I have been doing it once a month ever since. Its a lot of fun and it's an excuse to get creative with my friends. I hope to carry craft nights into the New Year for as long as I can.

This past year I also did something I never thought I would do, I ran a 5k! It wasn’t just any 5k though, it was a Zombie Race. It was so much fun and I’m glad my lazy butt did something that physical.

Around July Scholastic put out a challenge to libraries around the country to send in an essay explaining what their ultimate Harry Potter event would be. I teamed up with the Teen librarian, Erin. We wrote an essay that was so awesome that we were one of 15 libraries to win the top prize! We had a grand old party and it was so much fun. This was one of my proudest moments of the year.

Now that 2013 is over I have some pretty exciting things ahead of me in 2014! This year's mantra is Change! There will be lots of changes in 2014.

Last year I grew the blog a bit, so this year's efforts are all about my little Etsy shop. The shop is doing ok but it needs some more TLC.

I was saving this old jar and decided to start documenting the year. I slapped some chalkboard paper on there (so that it can be re-used each year) and wrote 2014 on it. Every time something special happens we write it down and add it to the jar. Then next New Year's Eve, we'll read through all of the accomplishments of the year.

Stick around and you'll be witness to all of the crazy things that 2014 will bring. 

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