
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Q & A - Hey Its Ingrid

Its time for another installment of Q&As!!! Ingrid is a sassy teacher with a passion for pop-culture. Her blog, Hey Its Ingrid is all about her life and she also makes some super rad pillows on her Etsy shop. Let's learn more about Ingrid! 

1. Where on the internet can we find you? 

Twitter: @heyitsingrid
Instagram: heyitsingrid
Pinterest: heyitsingrid

2. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Well, my name is Ingrid (if you couldn't tell from my usernames LOL) and I'm 25. I was born and raised on Long Island though I plan to eventually spread my wings and leave in the future. I'm a teacher but I'm currently subbing until I find a classroom of my own. I live off coffee and I love the internet. You can usually find me snuggled up in my dinosaur onesie binge watching a new series on Netflix. I think I'm a tv addict, but it's totally fine. I do venture outdoors every once in a while. I recently got back into horseback riding so that's exciting! I guess you can classify me as a nerd. I love to read, play video games, and go to the movies. Podcasts are something I've been into lately. My favorite is the Nerdist. 

3. Tell us about your blog & Etsy shop. What inspired you to start? What are your goals for these projects? 

My blog.. oh my poor blog. I have to admit I've gone through stages with it. I've been blogging before I even knew it was blogging. When I was 13 I started a livejournal and a blurty which I love to go back and read and just laugh at myself. My current blog recently received a makeover and I hope to start back up hardcore. It had so many great entries and the one day last year I snapped and deleted them all. *face palm* But really it's just a blog that I like to talk about anything and everything that's going on in my life. I guess you could call it a lifestyle blog. I really need to get better about posting though. Oops. :)

My etsy shop was a total accident. I already had the shop because two years ago I made and sold feather accessories. Once that stopped.. it just kinda sat there. One day I really wanted a certain throw pillow for my room but the ones I found online were way too much money. I said "Pfffft, I can make one myself!" So, that's what I did. I posted a picture on instagram and people really liked it. So I made a few more which were characters from favorite shows and movies and more and more people liked them. So I threw them up on the shop and sales just started happening. I have a ton of ideas for more pillows so keep an eye out. I also do custom orders. :)

4. What are some of your favorite pop-culture obsessions? How have they inspired your Etsy creations?  

My number one favorite is Doctor Who. Anyone know who knows me knows that it is all I every want to talk about. I actually designed some new pillows that are many of the monsters from Doctor Who so keep an eye out for those! Don't Blink. ;) I hope to be able to go to the Doctor Who experience in Cardiff. It's on my to do list. :D
Oh, and Sherlock! Mannnnnn, I don't know enough people that watch Sherlock. I am constantly trying to convince people to watch that series. It's brilliant and just so well written. The cast is fantastic too. I definitely fangirl over that show. Now that I think about it, I should really make a Sherlock pillow.

5. What are some of your favorite blogs ? What do you like about them? And why should we read it? 

Like I mentioned before, I do love the Nerdist. I love that he started off with a podcast and has gone on to do so many great things. He has a website, youtube channel, blog, podcast, hosts tv shows, and now has a tv show of his own. Chris Hardwick has created an empire from one simple thing and I admire that about him.

I also recently stumbled across I love this site! You answer a few questions about things you love and they match you up with a fellow nerdy pen pal. Each month has a theme and you get a new pen pal each month. I signed up for February so I'm really excited to meet new people from around the world.

6. Any fellow Etsy shops that you are loving right now? 

I recently made some purchases from Geek Ink Designs. I've always wanted a tattoo but I am constantly changing my mind as to what I want. This shop sells awesome temporary tattoos and they're all nerdy! They have some fantastic doctor who ones. (I ordered the tardis)


Thanks for talking to us Ingrid! Now go check out her blog and her fantastic pillows! If you would like to get featured on Q & As please email me for details.

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