
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Recovery laziness accomplishments & Sprinkles!

The past few days I've been doing a lot of resting and being lazy. Despite sitting around I've managed to get some things done!

Last week when I got the bad news I had to keep my mind busy. Caitie suggested a trip to Michael's arts and crafts where I proceeded to do some retail therapy. I treated myself to something extra nice, a glass etching kit. Not just any etching kit.... its Martha Stewart! We spend the rest of the night etching glass vases. I made this one with a fox on it. (its hard to see, but I assure you its there!)

After my procedure last week, Caitie and Kim stopped by with a little care package. It consisted of lots of candy! Kim wrote in the card "9 out of 10 Doctors agree, reese's peanut butter cups can cure all known ailments" its a fact I've learned to be quite true. They also gave me some nail polish in a nice TARDIS blue. I haven't painted my nails in so long so I felt good to pamper myself a little bit. I used a new technique to give the nails a matte look.

I finally finished my first book of 2014! I just read the Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson. It takes place in my dream vacation location, London. The story follows a New Orleans born, Rory in her first year at a London prep school which was located right in the heart of the infamous Jack the Ripper murders. When a copy cat Ripper starts to strike, the city is thrown into a panic and Rory comes face to face with the Ripper himself! It was sort of a slow going at first, but there is a turning point (won't spoil it) and its pretty unexpected and it pulled me in from there.

Tara (aka the Geeky Hostess) announced a pretty neato Kick Starter project: Geeky Sprinkles! Unless you are a confectionary artist, it is hard to make nerd specific baked goods. Tara's geeky sprinkles will make it a lot easier. Go check it out and if you are inclined open up your wallet! I myself donated because I want some police box sprinkles!

 On Saturday, after going a bit stir crazy, we went to the movies. I've been anxious to see the new Cohen Brother's movie, Inside Llewyn Davis. However I was let down. The character, Llewyn Davis was such a huge jerk! Towards the end he gets beat up and I thought to myself "good." So I was a little bummed that the movie wasn't that great. The movie did have one redeeming quality, the music!

By Sunday I was back in the craft room! I did some cleaning and rearranging in the room because its gotten a little crazy. I recently got some new hardware for new projects. I got some keychain hooks and used scrap fabric to make a snazzy key chain.

Its been an emotional week, but I'm ready to move on and get back to normal.

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