Sunday, January 10, 2010

The year of the cupcake!

Hello and happy new year!
These past two months have gone by really fast. I've been caught up with two jobs, wedding planning and school stuff so unfortunately this has meant that fun stuff has taken a back seat. All the stress has been a bit much so something had to give, so after five years and as hard as it was I had to say farewell to my LPL :(
In other news, me and Timbo had a great Christmas. I finally got Beatles rock band! (yay!) We also got New Super Mario Brothers Wii (which is awesome!) I also got a screen printing kit. I have a cute owl design I have the screen ready (but I am nervous about printing cuz its a mess) Expect images from that in the near future!
I also got some super sweet baking stuff. My future in laws got me a cup cake carrier complete with a book on cupcakes. It is by the same author that put out, the Cupcake Kit. I got it last year (around easter time) I got really into baking cupcakes for a little while and the passion kind of died down. But I think this has got me into it again. While baking some lemon glazed cupcakes I've decided that this will be the year of the cupcake! I am going to try and bake a batch a month of something totally different! January - Yellowcake with lemon glaze.. hmmmmm.

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